Richard Wong Biographical Information
Richard Wong, received an advanced diploma in Massage Therapy from Centennial College 2011. He also has over five years of experience in athletic therapy and one year as an RMT instructor. He has also completed certification in Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture, Advanced KinesioTaping and a Diploma of Osteopathy as a manual practitioner.
Richard has experience and training in a wide variety of manual massage therapy techniques. He finds that, most often, he practices in a deep tissue fashion. Richard understands that home care exercises are essential. Richard’s approach is always centred about the client’s needs. He focuses on tailoring a unique treatment plan for each individual. This allows him to perpetuate the art of natural therapy to the very best of his abilities in light of his qualifications and experience.
Richard’s commitment to understanding symptoms and providing relief for a wide range of acute and chronic conditions allows him to constantly strive to keep up to date with the most recent science of natural healing and all forms of massage therapy.
Registered Massage Therapist
Certification in Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture
Diploma of Osteopathy
Advanced KinesioTaping